Friday, August 12, 2011

Fulfilling Our Potentials

         Without education, how can men have its high-powered machines? Without it, how can they say that the Earth is revolving around the sun together with the other planets?
Education is very important in our lives and that is why man aims to have the high education he wants to search out. There are several purposes of education. The soul purpose of education is to educate man and give opportunity to succeed in life. As for me, basically, man needed education for career purposes. From the early age, our parents always told us that if we finished our education, we will not plow in the farm nor fish in a small river. Simply, one who attained better education will have a greater possibility to succeed in life. And this is ultimately true, because if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, or an engineer one must have an education.
Education is extremely important because it prepares people for the real world and it also helps them to settle on what kind of profession they would like to go into. When they get into their profession they will yearn for good earnings. When they earn more money they will be able to pay for a better education for their own children. 
Though, unfortunately we have places in this world, where not everyone has a chance to be given this formal type of education. The opportunities that are offered are very much limited. Occasionally there are inadequate resources to provide schooling. In addition because parents need their children to help them work in factories, have out of the ordinary jobs, or just do farm work.
The benefit of education is endless. As for the nation, this is to say that is education is a must to a country/nation aspires to achieve growth and development and more importantly sustain it. When looking at the continuing effects of an education, our economy needs these educated people to know how to keep the economy competent and not get into a bind in the prospect.  Education aims to allow the individuals to put their potentials to most favorable use of self-evident. Without it, the training of the human minds is deficient.

Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to the utmost use. We have to view thoughtfully of education as a very precious tool in life. It cannot be measured by cash, fame and other things for we consider this as a key to achievements that disregards the stature in life and financial capabilities as long as there is the yearning to attain the aim we envision in life.
An Educated man is definitely a wise thinker and a correct decision-maker. For an educated man will know what would be the consequences of his doings. Man achieve this by bringing him knowledge from the outside world, teaching him to reason, and acquainting him with earlier period of his history, so that he may be a better adjudicator of the present.
Lacking of education, man, is shut up or was inside a windowless room that he couldn’t see the outside world. But with education a man will find himself in a comfortable room with all windows open to interact to the external world. In other words, people with insufficient education will have the lesser opportunity to do whatever they wanted to be.
A good example of succession was Bill Gates, since he is very educated, how advanced do you think the computers without him? What if Bill Gates didn’t acquire his knowledge do you think computers will exist? See! The more educated a man is, the more knowledge one may obtain on theirs.
The mere purpose of education is not to acquire good marks, good ranks or good jobs. This is not what education is about. You have to comprehend everything, ask questions then only you will begin to know concerning education. If you merely memorize facts/informations you may become man of knowledge but you won’t become intelligent.
Education is the hidden wealth for anybody that cannot be robbed and it is the definitely a thing that our parents may inherit to us. It is a money which can never be stolen from you. Education is something which directs your thinking into right direction.
Education is not merely at school, education is learning and you start to do that the day you are born. You don’t even have to be capable in reading or writing and you can still teach other people through experience to get a good education so they might one day use it and have a good life.

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